When I started this blog I was talking to (and about) my inner Slender Goddess and am actively encouraging her to come out. The thing, I think, that spoke loudest to me was the meaning behind the message. For those who haven't yet read the blog (and I encourage you to read all of them ... she's a fab writer!) the controversy is centered around a comment made, as follows, "mayo is for fat people who want to get fatter ". What shouted out at me was the whole "fat people are fat because they stuff their faces with food all day" message ... and boy did that get my dander up!!!
Who the hell does he think he is??? Whether he is a good guy or not is beside the point ... that is an uncalled for slur. And one made in ignorance.
As a young child I was petite, tiny even, and always small for my age. But at the age of 7 my well-meaning parents took me to a Professor of Dermatology in an attempt to cure an inherited skin condition that is incurable. I was given higher-than-adult doses of medication and by the age of 8 my endocrine system was damaged to the point that my weight ballooned so alarmingly quickly my grandmother had my mother take me to the doctor for a check up. Thus began a lifetime battle with my weight, which yes sadly, is aggravated by what I eat. That's not how I got here but it is, indeed, how I remain here. No diet or lifestyle change makes any significant change for any extended periods of time.
So, where was I going with this little rant of mine? Oh yes ... No matter who you are, or how nice a person you normally are, don't stand there and judge me by what you see. You don't know me, you don't know my history and you certainly don't know about my daily struggle with my weight. Think before you open your mouth and show what an ignorant gnat you are by spewing crap about what I look like. There is NOTHING that you could possibly think or say that I have not said or thought myself.
The thing that bugs me the most though is, how the ignorance or just pure mean-and-nastiness of so many out there impacts on young, innocent children out there everyday. By my age, if you've spent a lifetime battle with this problem, you've more than likely developed enough of a tough skin to deal with this ignorance or mean-spiritedness. However, the younger generation won't have. In my friend's, she also posted the link to a video clip of a new anchorwoman addressing this very issue and I encourage you to have a look at it (you can view it here: CBC News Anchor-tv-overweight Oct 2012).
It has taken me MANY years and tears to call a truce on my battle thanks to the love of a
FABULOUS, supportive, AMAZING husband who KNOWS me, my history and my DAILY
struggle to stay in "a state of truce". But please, ladies AND gentlemen (yes, I know and
acknowledge that men too battle with this issue but seldom get the support they need) I
beg of you, don't let other peoples' callousness break you down ... don't let other peoples'
thoughtlessness or ignorance get under your skin. As my husband, always, so eloquently
puts it, "Listen you insignificant insect, I can lose weight but you'll always be an
insignificant insect!" Well said my love.
No matter what, remember ... YOU ARE FABULOUS JUST THE WAY YOU ARE!!! Support
your children in fighting this form of bullying. You are worth so much more than that.
As the festive season draws ever closer (YAYNESS!!! I LOVE Christmas!) be kind to yourself.
I know I'm worth it ... and so are you.
Loving festive blessings,
The Slender Goddess,
Cape Town
Nice post ... Glad you are back to it!!!!! So true hey ... And you are right ... You ARE worth it.
Thanks for your years of unconditional love & support C ... and just remember ... you too ARE worth it! ♥