Thursday 12 December 2013

A revamp for the New Year

Oh my word, this has been a roller-coaster of a year!!!  Many highs, many lows too.  However!  No matter how bad things have become, I have MANY things to be thankful for.  It has also been a HUGE contributor to the spiritual journey I began around the time that "Slender Goddess" blog was born.  

Originally when I started Slender Goddess it was not my intention to focus only on weight issues.  I know that many struggle, day-to-day, to make sense of the crazy world we live and I thought my blog would be a good platform to share  "General thoughts and ideas on life, the journey to releasing weight; and staying sane."  So, in honour of the new year that is just around the corner, I think a bit of a revamp is in order.  I will continue to share weight related blogs (since they do insist on being written *grin*) but will also start including other topics as I had originally intended.

I'm looking forward to sharing the new look with you.  So, ladies and gents ... watch this space for the improved version. 

In the meantime, have a blessed day.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Something that FINALLY makes sense!


After years of blood, sweat, tears and, eventually, a kind of truce, I've finally discovered what I've been doing wrong all these years!!!

As a qualified Life Coach, weight loss is not a topic I've been comfortable contemplating coaching another person about, as it has been such a major (negative) part of my life since the age of eight.  But as I've continue down this life path I've chosen for myself, my need to grow spiritually and mentally has led me to research many different topics.  So imagine my delight when I came upon a new concept!

Since I have long ago come to the realisation that nothing happens “by chance” in life, I accept that I was meant to find this particular website which promotes the concept of loving yourself thin.  “Yeah right”, I hear you snort in derision; but hear me out.

The entire concept is based on the premise of positive self love … after all, if we can’t love ourselves, how can we expect other people to love us?  It also embraces the practice of mind power and the power of your thoughts.  They speak of releasing weight as opposed to losing weight … why didn't I think of this?!?!?  When you put it out into the Universe you wish to lose weight, the subconscious thinks, “Wait, if you lose something, it has to be found.  I’ll help you find that weight and put it right back where it was!”  So, instead when you decide to release weight, the subconscious thinks, “I’ll give you a hand with that … I’ll help you undo the ties that bind and we’ll release that pesky, unwanted weight right out into the universe.  I’m sure there’s a soul out there who could use this extra weight.”

What a concept!

But, if you stop and really think about it for a moment, it makes good sense.  Any change you wish to bring about in your life all begins with a single thought!  There is nothing we do, consciously or unconsciously that doesn’t start out as a thought.  The trick is to be mindful of your thoughts.  Have you ever noticed that when you’ve consciously decided that today is going to be a good day no matter what, it is?  Why?  Because you have consciously decided it will be so.  So why can’t that include how you view shedding weight?  The more positive your thoughts are the more positive the results are.

I have put this theory in to practice and over the past 2 months have “released” 4 pounds (2kg) without making any significant changes to what I eat.  All I’ve changed is the way I look at the situation.  Yes, it does mean that I have made a conscious effort to be aware of what thoughts I have and how they are worded.  But, yes, it has had results.

If you are interested in finding out more about this concept, email me at, and I’ll help you to release your inner slenderness.

Wishing you great success with releasing you weight.

The Slender Goddess, :)
Cape Town 

Guest Blog proudly presents : Me First! Really??

Me First!  Really??

With much love and appreciation to the Slender Goddess for allowing me to Guest Post …

So it’s a big year for me this year, and my goal (for years) has been to be healthy (code for thin) for my 40th Birthday!  Well I won’t reach my end-goal by then but I am working on it!

So let me back track a little …

Hi … I am Overweight and I’m an addict, a foodie, an emotional eater, a stress eater, a chocoholic, a pastry-a-holic and my sugar and carb addiction knows no bounds!  At some point in my formative years I learned a scarcity mentality and I have traded on my genetic ties of being the product of two World War 2 babies … BUT at some point I have to stop labelling, blaming and claiming it and start doing something about it!

My mother says I am harsh on people who have been dealt and perpetuate “victim mentality” around life dealing bad hands.  We all have shitty cards dealt us but I firmly believe that at some point we must draw a line under the hurts and shizz from the past and say “that was the past and it does not need to be my future!  That it is NOT going to be my future” and then actively work towards making a new and improved future your new reality.  I believe it is the ONLY WAY!  So with all of that flawed principled’ness … what am I doing about my unhealthy weight, to embrace and devour my current (and future) dreams and goals?

Like the start of every new year, we do the obligatory resolutions and 6 guesses what mine was this year (um like I think the last 17 years or so – but who is counting)!  SO I put my brain in gear and gave myself a firm pep talk, girded my flab and embarked on a managed high protein, low carb, calorie restricted weight release program (the eating plan of the moment).  Drastic times call for drastic action!

So I am 6 weeks in and I have learned some major life lessons:

1.       We All Know:  This is not rocket science (which of course we all know) it’s a case of doing the maths and working on the ratio of input vs output.  Now although I do agree with the logic of that statement (after all I am part Vulcan, pointy ears and all) … I do believe there is more to it than just that, which I am investigating … more to follow …     

2.       Management:  We all know what we need to do, it is about putting things into concrete action and getting on with it!  But sometimes we don’t know some of the rules (they seem to constantly change), so it is important to get direction and guidance.  This journey is rarely a success when undertaken alone.        

3.       Habit:  I’ve learned how much of what and when we eat is a habit.  Are we really hungry or do we eat to fill the emotion, the silence, the space?     

4.       P&P:  It’s all about planning and preparation!  This speaks to my inner OCD and my Compulsive Planning Disorder!

5.       ME FIRST?!?!:  And finally, and possibly the most important of allI have to put me first and this one I know many of us struggle with!  Particularly us full-time working mum’s!  How often do we put everyone (and everything) else before us … the kids, hubby, work, washing, dishes, dinner, school projects, homework, packing school bags, prepping for the next school and working day, extended family & friends … and then and only then when everything else is ticked off on the list … we get round to us!  By then it is 10.30pm and we are knackered – ah screw it!      

I’ve realized for this program and ME to be a success, I HAVE to carve that time out of my already overflowing day to MAKE time for ME!  To do some exercise (at the moment I have befriended the much feared stairs in my office building for that relegated task).  I need to plan ahead, exactly what I am going to eat for the day (and the week to ensure balance and groceries), I must make the time to MAKE the food I am going to take for the day ahead to stay on the mapped program.  Early every morning I have to make sure I go get my required 2
l  of water and then make sure I have consumed it all before 3pm everyday (so that I don’t have a bathroom crisis in the ever worsening traffic home).  I must make the time to eat my lunch and do the same with the 2 required snacks to keep blood sugar levels flat.           

I have to make me a priority!

It’s never an easy process, but on most days it is easier than the fear of the reality.  Like a recovering alcoholic … TODAY, I am strong!  There are more good days than bad and when I enjoy a treat (or 5) I am making sure that I return to the program.  For me, Monday to Friday’s are fabulous and I can “control” 98% of that.  Weekends are harder … but I am getting there …

My reality is that for me, there is a long road ahead, but I am learning so much about myself and surely that is one of our purposes … to learn and evolve?

And daily I hold onto the quote that “Nothing tastes as good, as thin feels!”

Watch this space … I’ll return to share more of the unfolding story …

The power is in our hands!

Warm regards
Hi … I am Overweight and I’m an addict …

Song of the Post … Finally!  From the epic movie Priscilla Queen of the Dessert!